For the more than 50 families who are members of the Idlewild Foster Care community, for all foster and adopted families in Hillsborough and Pasco County who register, and for all adopted children ages 5 – 18, we want you to know that we understand the huge expense of school supplies. School supplies are a LOT more expensive this year than last! We have searched online school lists and have purchased school supplies to help lighten that burden. We have backpacks, paper, composition notebooks, folders, crayons, pencils, pens, pencil sharpeners, erasers, rulers, scissors, and a lot more!
We will have food, served by 5 Loaves and Two Fishes, bouncies, games and other activities to keep the kids busy while parents and caregivers gather the school supplies.
Please sign up using this link and we will contact you with an appointment time. Register now.
But help us help you. We will have the items on most school online lists. We will work to supply special supply needs but you may have some special supply needs. Here is what we have for our families. Please register in advance to get a scheduled time to help us serve you.
- College-lined paper, hole-punched
- School-lined paper, hole-punched
- Spiral composition notebooks, multi-colored
- Construction paper, multi-colored
- Graph paper
- Folders with prongs and pockets, multiple colors
- No 2 pencils
- Erasers, pencil end and larger
- Pens, blue ink
- Pens, black ink
- Color pencils
- Crayons (box of 24)
- Rulers – wooden
- Markers, black
- Color highlighters
- Dry-Erase markers
- Pencil sharpener, with refuse holder
- Pencil pouches, clear
- 1, 1/1/2, and 2 inch 3-ring notebooks
- Notebook dividers
- Post its – 3 inch
- Back packs
- Glue sticks
- Index cards
- Pencils for the beginners
- Scissors, blunt tip
What will be available will vary based upon grade and age differences.